Skulls Anywhere - Opponent Turn Playback Bug

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Skulls Anywhere - Opponent Turn Playback Bug

Postby Robert » Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:43 pm

Skulls Support, I have sent in two separate emails about being unable to continue playing a Skulls Anywhere game due to the fact the game does not complete the playback of my opponent's turn, but have not yet received a reply. Both of the games I played with the same opponent, who has told me he is playing using Windows Phone whereas I am playing using Windows 8 Pro. Rather than post another screenshot, I decided to record capture the bug I'm experiencing. Please watch the video below which describes the issue I am experiencing with one of my Xbox LIVE friends.
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Re: Skulls Anywhere - Opponent Turn Playback Bug

Postby 17-BIT Isaac » Fri Feb 15, 2013 5:23 pm

Hi Robert,

Sorry for the delayed response. I've looked over the linked video and it seems the game has desynced. Unfortunately this means that match can't be completed. We're very sorry you've ran into this issue =( However thanks to you being awesome, the issue will be sent to our engineers and will hopefully will be fixed within the 1st patch.

If you come across anymore issue's, please do what you did with this issue and we'll do our best to get it fixed asap =)
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Re: Skulls Anywhere - Opponent Turn Playback Bug

Postby Etjaf » Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:37 am

Hi Folks,

I don't know if this is the same issue I have, but I'm no more able to play my async multiplayer game. The opponent turn can't complete. I'm stuck in a point where the oppenent dit move his "horse", but I did not see the move, and in the information I can see that his "horse" have 0/6 life trying to fight one of my soldier, I can see only the "horse" helmet near my soldiers. And nothing happens. I've try to relaunch the game several times from my Surface RT a well as some my Windows 8 Enterprise computer and I'm always stuck at the same point.

By the way, this game is really cool, keep going!
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